Marzellus Garden near Weißenhorn

Marzellus’ Garden - Weißenhorn - Germany

Marzellus Garden is a private park south of Ulm near the community of Weißenhorn. It's publicly available through a number of ways leading into the area.

You can find it on the left side when driving from Wallenhausen to Unterreichenbach. The address for the GPS is Schloßstraße 99, 89264 Weißenhorn, although it might not lead you directly to the right spot.

I visited the garden early on a foggy Sunday morning to take some photos of the pagoda in the central lake. But there is definitely more to explore. The park has a maze of small paths lined with numerous sculptures, most of them Asian - there's even a man-sized Buddha statue.

If you come later, you can also grab something to eat at the open-air restaurant. I don't know the exact times when the restaurant is open, though.


Wintertime near Ulm - part 2


European quarter Frankfurt