Temple tour, Taipei

Bangka Qingshan Temple - Taipei - Taiwan

First published in 2019

Taipei is full of beautiful and interesting temples. And I'm not talking about the big and famous ones, although they are definitely worth a visit. Of course, you should not miss the Longshan Temple or the Dalongdong Temple (for a report on them look here).

No, I'm talking about the smaller ones where you hardly find a western tourist at all. At the first glance, they look pretty similar (although a Buddist and a Hinduist temple don't have too much in common when you know what to look at), but the fascination starts when you're looking for the small details.

Most of the pictures here are from temples in the city center and they are easy to reach by walking around. You can even include Longshan and Dalongong without stretching it to the limit. The only exception is Chih Nan Temple that lies on a mountain you can reach by using the gondola near the zoo.


Taipei 101


Dongyue Temple, Beijing